Blackhawk Hotel
Davenport, Iowa, US

Facts and downloads
- Architect: Amy Gill, Restoration of St. Louis
- Location: Davenport, Iowa, US
- Fellert Area: 520 m² (5,597 ft²)
- Fellert Installer: Phillips Plastering
- Type: New construction/renovation
New glory for classic American hotel
The Blackhawk Hotel, which once hosted guests such as Cary Grant and Richard Nixon, had fallen into disrepair during the 1990s and hit rock bottom in 2006 when parts of the eighth caught fire and several floors were damaged by water. The city took over operation in 2009 and decided on drastic measures – a restoration program for tens of millions of dollars. The restoration budget alone was estimated at more than 35 million. In 2013, the Hotel Blackhawk became a part of the Marriott chain of luxury hotels – the Marriott Autograph Collection.
When the historic Blackhawk Hotel was purchased, the new owner was facing the huge task of restoring the hotel to its former glory. It was important to ensure that the environment was pleasant and relaxing for the often distinguished guests. The Blackhawk Hotel (presently the Hotel Blackhawk) was built in 1915 and gradually evolved into a luxury hotel with 400 rooms, a lavish facade, decorative marble around the windows, a carefully designed and personable interior and a large, stained-glass skylight in the lobby. Fellert’s solutions were in full agreement with all requirements for acoustics, environmental friendliness and budgetary restraint.
Blackhawk Hotel on Wikipedia
Top benefits
- Cultural and historical environment
- Tough environmental requirements per LEED
- Large social areas – good acoustical environment